Hey, y’all!
I’m Melanie, the girl behind the lens at Melanie Foster Photography. Whether you’re getting ready for your upcoming OU senior or your Bartlesville or Tulsa family photography experience, I hope you’ll stay a while, pick up a few tips, and be inspired for your own MFP photo session!
Thankful for opportunities to connect with such incredible people – one of them being Madison! Check out some of my favorites from her senior shoot around OU’s campus. (AND HER ADORABLE DOG! 😍😍) Side-note – December grads secretly get some of my favorite shots because they get to shoot with the homecoming mums!
Okay, maybe I wasn’t either of these, but it sure feels like my heart grew deeper roots during my four years in Norman than it did anywhere else the other 19.5 years of my life. I’ve returned to Oklahoma as often as I could the past year and a half. Each time I left, the […]
©2021 - 2022 Melanie Foster Photography | All rights reserved
Brand + Website by: The Kate Collective