Hey, y’all!
I’m Melanie, the girl behind the lens at Melanie Foster Photography. Whether you’re getting ready for your upcoming OU senior or your Bartlesville or Tulsa family photography experience, I hope you’ll stay a while, pick up a few tips, and be inspired for your own MFP photo session!
I like to have something to look forward to every month or two, which is often why you will see me posting on Instagram in random places, including Washington, D.C. this weekend! Katie and I planned this trip earlier this year when Southwest was having a sale – I had never been before and figured […]
Have I mentioned that summer time is my favorite? Because it is MY FAVORITE! The Fourth of July has always been special to me growing up because I spent it at Kanakuk Kamps! I got to watch fireworks at the lake with some of my dearest childhood friends that I only saw once a year in […]
©2021 - 2022 Melanie Foster Photography | All rights reserved
Brand + Website by: The Kate Collective