Welcome to the Melanie Foster Blog

celebrating OU seniors and Bartlesville and Tulsa families through photography.

Hey, y’all! 

I’m Melanie, the girl behind the lens at Melanie Foster Photography. Whether you’re getting ready for your upcoming OU senior or your Bartlesville or Tulsa family photography experience, I hope you’ll stay a while, pick up a few tips, and be inspired for your own MFP photo session! 

Matthew | 2021 Oklahoma State Senior | OKState Senior Photographer


Matthew | 2021 Oklahoma State Senior | OKState Senior Photographer

This is one of my favorite posts I’ve ever blogged because it’s one of my favorite PEOPLE I’ve ever blogged! Meet Matthew Russell, my brother-in-law! Jonathan and I had the best time with Matt (or as we call him, Lil’ Matty, Matty, or Pepe…don’t ask me how or why…it’s just always been a thing since I’ve been around their family haha). We walked around the Oklahoma State campus on Friday night (the day before graduation!) and picked out the best of the best photo spots! Even though I’ve been to Stillwater four times now, this was the first time I had ever gotten out of the car and walked around the campus. Not going to lie, it won this Sooner over just a little bit 🙂

When I first met Matt in 2019, I knew I liked him, but it wasn’t until I lived with the Russells last year during COVID that we all got to know really know each other. I remember being worried that I was going to be too uptight for him, or I wasn’t going to fit in with their sense of humor, but Matt took me in right away as his own sister. And if you were at our wedding, you know a little about Matt and how close he and Jonathan are! We love him, and are so proud of all the work he’s put in these last three years. He’s graduating with a degree in Mechanical Engineering before he even turns 21! It was the best to have him home so frequently throughout the school year, and now to have him home all summer! He has an internship in Tulsa so we won’t miss him too much! And good news for my current and upcoming seniors…he’s single! 🙂

One of the things I loved about OKState was that their “big locations” are so much more open and spread out than at OU. When shooting in Norman, I feel like there are a select few angles for each of the top spots (Like Bizzell or Evans) that are smaller in surface area. When there are a lot of people out shooting, it can definitely be more of a challenge, but we didn’t have any issues in Stillwater which was a huge blessing, especially for the night before graduation! Enjoy a few of my favorites from Matt’s OKState Senior Photos! And be sure to keep up with all of my upcoming sneak peeks and previews on Instagram and Facebook!

senior photos at okstateokstate senior photographerosu senior photographer oklahoma state senior photographer okstate senior photos senior photos at osuTHIS ONE!!! Oh my goodness! I just love it!oklahoma state senior photos senior photos at oklahoma state osu senior photos

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