Emily & Tanner | Tulsa Maternity Photographer
Emily & Tanner | Tulsa Maternity Photographer
I have a few favorite things when it comes to photography…one is walking in to someone’s home and seeing their MFP photos displayed. The other is when dear, dear friends ask you to be the one to capture their special seasons and moments. Y’all have met Emily and Tanner before, but you’ve also heard quite a bit about them, too! They were the couple who set up me and Jonathan! It is absolutely wild to me to think that if they hadn’t taken the chance, I wouldn’t live in Bartlesville, Emily and I probably wouldn’t have walked through our pregnancies together, Ruthie wouldn’t be Ruthie, and Lord knows just about everything else in my life would be different!
I mentioned Emily and I being pregnant at the same time – it was this time last year that I revealed to her on one of our lunch break walks that Jonathan and I were hoping to start our family. It turned out that Tanner and Emily were too! Our timing was perfectly aligned! Soon enough, we were checking in on each other during the two-week-waits, talking all things fertility, and praying that the next walk we went on would be “the” walk where one of us would be pregnant! And then we were spending HOURS upon HOURS talking pregnancy symptoms, birth preparation and stories, parenting styles and preferences, and so. much. more. Her friendship has been one of the biggest blessings, but specifically the last few years and this past year as we navigated these huge life events together.
Emily and Tanner are waiting to find out if they’re having a boy or a girl until the baby is born and I know we are all SO excited to meet their little bundle of joy so soon! I’m guessing a boy! 🙂
Congratulations you guys!! We love you!
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