Scissortail Park OKC Proposal – Chase and Maddie
I’m beyond thrilled to introduce y’all to the newly engaged Chase and Maddie! The future Coleys! Eeeek! We celebrated their winter proposal and the start of their next chapter on Friday night at the brand new Scissortail Park OKC – it was the perfect spot and ended up adding a “full circle” moment to their relationship! Chase tells their story best, so I’m excited to let him share in his own words the sweet development of their relationship over the last 3.5 years!
“I met Maddie on a mission trip to Nicaragua during spring break of 2016. We didn’t talk a lot on the trip until the last day when we were at our hotel and I asked her to be my dance partner at this salsa party that the hotel was having. That never ended up happening because we really misunderstood what was happening at the party, but it was still a blast!
When we got home from Nicaragua I asked her for her number and invited her to a Thunder game with me and thankfully she said yes. I got to her house early to meet her parents and then we went out for pizza at Hideaway before the game. On the way home we got to talking about where we had gone to school in the years past and we stayed out till like 1 in the morning showing each other where we went to middle and elementary school. (Oddly enough her parents didn’t give her a curfew but looking back I probably should have had her home earlier.)
I knew she was the one on our third date when we went to get sodas from Pop’s and just drove around in the middle of nowhere. There had been some drama on her swim team over something that didn’t matter and her friend called her because she was freaking out. I watched and heard Maddie show this girl so much love and compassion in the way she talked her down and reminded her that everything would be okay…
The reasons that I love Maddie could literally go on forever but let’s just start with how she loves and cares for the people in her life. She has such a kind heart, always seeking to uplift those around her and put their needs above her own. She’s also just an incredible servant to others which I got to see in the youth group in high school at church. She would always be the first to volunteer for things and no matter the task she would do it with joy in her heart and a smile on her face while encouraging those around her at the same time. The girl is also incredibly intelligent…her sense of humor is just like mine too which makes life with her all the more fun because we get to laugh through life together. To round it all off she loves Jesus with her whole heart and that’s what I love most about Maddie is her love for the Lord and his kingdom.
She is everything and more that I dreamed my wife would be and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life getting to know her!“
I had the best time getting to walk through the planning process with you, Chase! Congratulations to you, Maddie, and your sweet families!
Maddie you are the MOST PRECIOUS!
So many loved ones there to celebrate!
This is one of my favorites – I put their sneak peek on my iPad and they got to see some of their photos at the party!
The best hostesses!
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