2017 University of Oklahoma Senior Thetas – Oklahoma Senior Photographer
Sometimes I leave shoots feeling just flat out blessed. I know that sounds cliche, but it comes from the depth of my soul and I will walk away wishing I could spend more time with that person or group of people because being around them just makes me want to be better. Most shoots I genuinely freak the heck out because I get so pumped about who is in front of the camera. In this one, it seemed to happen right off the bat, and possibly even more often than usual. These girls just radiate with every smile, every step, and every hair flip and I know that sounds stupid but they really do. They are so pure and they love each other in big ways and that was never more obvious than during our time together. Beyond honored to share them as Theta sisters and to have had the opportunity to sort of tie the bow on their senior year! I LOVE YOU GUYS.
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